Uplifting Youth Through Education

Our Afterschool Education Support

Helping Kids Succeed in School

Education is suffering and it’s complex. There’s decreasing attendance, falling grades, and lower ambitions coupled with economic hardships and only a few role models.

Kids need help after school and parents can’t help them. Moms and dads work so some kids do not have adults at home after school. Another problem that plagues many students is their parents cannot read or write. Parents don’t encourage their children because they do not see the long-term value of school.

Teachers at our “Support for Education and Vocations” program in San Pedro las Huertas assist students with homework to assure the students are meeting their education requirements. In addition to homework supervision, students receive extra help with reading, math, spelling and grammar. A psychologist attends the school two afternoons a week to assist the students with their personal concerns and emotional health. Families receive counselling to help them understand their child’s needs. Extra classes include English and technology.