

People For Guatemala Scholarships

Indigenous children typically complete fewer than 3 1/2 years of school and for every 100 children, fewer than 40 will continue on to 7th grade. Only 18 will complete high school. That’s less than two out of ten children will finish a secondary education.

We believe passionately that education is a means for achieving greater social equality and integrating the dignity and traditions of Guatemala’s indigenous cultures with the ever-changing wider world. Keeping kids in school is the only way to break the cycle of poverty but young adults face obstacles beyond their control. Their parents cannot afford school tuition, especially faced with the higher cost of living today. Indigenous students in remote villages are at a disadvantage because they do not have access to computers and the internet.

Students have many obstacles to overcome which makes staying in school a very difficult challenge. Many have to work to help support their family. Because of the distance they have to travel to school, transportation is always a problem. Some do not have electricity or running water at their homes. They are victims of the daily struggles caused by poverty.

Our scholarship programs support the cost of tuition, transportation, uniforms, supplies, and the use of a computer. To be accepted into our scholarship program, an applicant must prove need,  participate in an interview with the student’s parent/guardian, and grades from previous classes must be above a C average. The student and parent/guardian signs a contract detailing all of the responsibilities of the student and parent/guardian.