Poverty in Guatemala disproportionately affects the country’s indigenous Mayas.
They make up half of the population but account for less than a quarter of the total income and consumption. Poverty rates in rural Guatemala exceed 70%. People with low resources living in extreme poverty lack even the basic necessities. A Maya laborer makes only $6 a day. Coupled with the increased cost of food and basic living expenses, it is impossible for them to rise out of their daily hardships.
We focus on improving health and education. Families and entire communities are benefiting from school upgrades, classroom support, teacher training, healthier kitchens and access to quality medical and dental care.
Education is the only way to break the vicious cycle of poverty. Guatemala has one of the highest illiteracy and lowest school enrollment rates in Latin America due, in part, to the lack of resources. We provide scholarships for motivated middle school, high school and college students.
We also support economic growth and financial training for women with established micro-credit to grow sustainable businesses.